Friday, March 7, 2008

The more things change...

Everything is different now.

How wonderful, that everything has changed.

Job location lifestyle plans goals dreams beloveds
nothing is the same, and everything has changed

You want me to write again
and I respect that
possibly solely because I want me to write again, too
but that's ok. we can have similar wishes and goals
(it wouldn't be the first time)

you make me smile, you make me laugh
(to quote a song, I'm not used to liking that)
when I'm with you I spend less time wanting to cry
and more time wanting to live
you make me see possibilities instead of blank space
being with you paints pictures in the space behind my eyes where before there was only darkness and mist
you hold me when I fall apart and kiss my eyes when I cry

thank you.

(please consider this my love letter to you)
(I hope you feel the same)