Saturday, July 4, 2009

You and I, we're doin' alright, we're doin' ok

Now normally these days I hardly write a thing
I am grownup and sensible and sane
(okay, maybe not quite that far)
but tonight I sit alone and think of your kiss
and more than that, your smile and the way you touch me in a crowded room
to claim and reassure and protect
I love the way you touch me
the way you make me feel safe and cherished and cared for
the way you value me so clearly and don't mind making sure I know

I woke up with you again this morning
and, like every morning together, it was perfect and precious and quiet
sweet and slow and easy
I love the way you curl around me
and the way we tangle our legs together in the sheets
and the way we lie wrapped in one another's arms
and let the rest of the world fade away

It's indulgent, somehow, and decadent
Just to lie in bed with you all morning
with the light pouring through the sheer curtain
and nowhere else we need to be
To know neither of us would choose to be anywhere else

This week was hard, the hardest we've had, but still
When I think of you I smile
When I think of the time we spent together I remember the amazing parts
the way you kept bumping me with your hip when we cooked,
to remind me you were there
the way I woke up an hour early that first morning
just to kiss you soft and slow in the morning light
the way we danced like idiots and fell in the grass
and lay there while I laughed till I cried
and how we curled up together in the hammock in the dark and slowly swung
the way you wrap your hands around my hip
and the way you kiss away my tears
and the way you saved me a piece of fish, covered in pepper,
because you knew I'd be so sad to have missed it

I love the way we eat off each other's plates
and kiss soft and slow and deep, standing in the shower
and how much you appreciate things I don't think are even noteworthy
and treat me like I'm amazing

I never write any more
And I hardly sit and read
but tonight I'm reading writing prompts and viewing artsy photos
And every one makes me want to cry or smile or burst
from all the emotion brimming up
And I think, this is what you do to me.

How can I ever thank you?